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जमीन जायदाद की रजिस्ट्रियों में भारी कमी

अकाली-भाजपा सरकार के कार्यकाल में प्रापर्टी में आई गिरावट के चलते राज्य को इस साल अब तक 1500 करोड़ रुपये के राजस्व का घाटा हुआ है।

मंदी के चलते नवंबर माह में 13 फीसदी गिरावट दर्ज की गई है। राज्य में जमीन के भाव लगातार कम हो रहे हैं। रियल इस्टेट कारोबार में निवेश करने वाले कारोबारी परेशान हैं क्योंकि रियल इस्टेट सेक्टर में बूम नहीं है।

राज्य सरकार ने जब से प्रापर्टी टैक्स के लिए अधिसूचना जारी कर कालोनियों को नियमित करने की प्रक्रिया शुरू की है तब से मार्केट में मंदी बढ़ी है।

राजस्व विभाग के एक आला अधिकारी ने बताया कि नवंबर माह में 13 फीसदी गिरावट दर्ज की गई। नवंबर माह में 1669 करोड़ का राजस्व प्राप्त हुआ जबकि पिछले साल इस समय के दौरान 1920 करोड़ रुपये प्राप्त हुए थे।

राज्य सरकार ने चालू वर्ष में 20 फीसदी राजस्व बढ़ोतरी का लक्ष्य निर्धारित किया था। मंदी के चलते लक्ष्य तक पहुंचने की बजाय राजस्व में 13 फीसदी की गिरावट दर्ज की गई।

इससे साफ है कि कुल लक्ष्य का 30 फीसदी गिरावट दर्ज की गई है। राजस्व विभाग ने नवंबर तक 22,250 करोड़ रुपये का राजस्व इकट्ठा किया जबकि 23,771 करोड़ रुपये खर्च किए गए।

विभागीय अधिकारियों को उम्मीद है कि अगली खरीफ फसल के बाद राजस्व में बढ़ोतरी की संभावना है।

अवैध कालोनियों से वसूले 360 करोड़
प्रापर्टी टैक्स और अवैध कालोनियों को नियमित करने के लिए सरकार ने जो नीति बनाई है उसका आर्थिक लाभ तो मिल रहा है लेकिन राजस्व विभाग को इसका नुकसान हुआ है।

अवैध कालोनियों को नियमित करने के मामले में सरकार को अब तक 360 करोड़ रुपये का राजस्व मिला है। राजस्व विभाग के अधिकारियों का कहना है यह रकम निकाय विभाग के पास जा रही है।

इसका उपयोग भी इन कालोनियों में सुविधाएं दिए जाने के काम में होगा। इसका उनके विभाग को कोई लाभ नहीं है।

जमीन जायदाद की रजिस्ट्रियों में भारी कमी

अकाली-भाजपा सरकार के कार्यकाल में प्रापर्टी में आई गिरावट के चलते राज्य को इस साल अब तक 1500 करोड़ रुपये के राजस्व का घाटा हुआ है।

मंदी के चलते नवंबर माह में 13 फीसदी गिरावट दर्ज की गई है। राज्य में जमीन के भाव लगातार कम हो रहे हैं। रियल इस्टेट कारोबार में निवेश करने वाले कारोबारी परेशान हैं क्योंकि रियल इस्टेट सेक्टर में बूम नहीं है।

राज्य सरकार ने जब से प्रापर्टी टैक्स के लिए अधिसूचना जारी कर कालोनियों को नियमित करने की प्रक्रिया शुरू की है तब से मार्केट में मंदी बढ़ी है।

राजस्व विभाग के एक आला अधिकारी ने बताया कि नवंबर माह में 13 फीसदी गिरावट दर्ज की गई। नवंबर माह में 1669 करोड़ का राजस्व प्राप्त हुआ जबकि पिछले साल इस समय के दौरान 1920 करोड़ रुपये प्राप्त हुए थे।

राज्य सरकार ने चालू वर्ष में 20 फीसदी राजस्व बढ़ोतरी का लक्ष्य निर्धारित किया था। मंदी के चलते लक्ष्य तक पहुंचने की बजाय राजस्व में 13 फीसदी की गिरावट दर्ज की गई।

इससे साफ है कि कुल लक्ष्य का 30 फीसदी गिरावट दर्ज की गई है। राजस्व विभाग ने नवंबर तक 22,250 करोड़ रुपये का राजस्व इकट्ठा किया जबकि 23,771 करोड़ रुपये खर्च किए गए।

विभागीय अधिकारियों को उम्मीद है कि अगली खरीफ फसल के बाद राजस्व में बढ़ोतरी की संभावना है।

अवैध कालोनियों से वसूले 360 करोड़
प्रापर्टी टैक्स और अवैध कालोनियों को नियमित करने के लिए सरकार ने जो नीति बनाई है उसका आर्थिक लाभ तो मिल रहा है लेकिन राजस्व विभाग को इसका नुकसान हुआ है।

अवैध कालोनियों को नियमित करने के मामले में सरकार को अब तक 360 करोड़ रुपये का राजस्व मिला है। राजस्व विभाग के अधिकारियों का कहना है यह रकम निकाय विभाग के पास जा रही है।

इसका उपयोग भी इन कालोनियों में सुविधाएं दिए जाने के काम में होगा। इसका उनके विभाग को कोई लाभ नहीं है।

For more Information:-  Sanjay rastaugiSanjay Rastogi Builder,Real Estate IndiaReal Estate Company in India,  Affordable Houses in Noida , Residential flat in Ghazibad  Email Us Or SMS :SAVIOUR at 53030.

कैसा रहेगा रियल एस्टेट सैक्टर 2014



भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था के लिए साल 2013 कुछ खास अच्छा नहीं रहा। आय में स्थिरता, रुपए के मूल्य में गिरावट, आसमान छूती मुद्रास्फीति की दर और ब्याज की ऊंची दर ने लोगों को अपने खर्चों तथा निवेश पर लगाम लगाने को विवश कर दिया। इसका असर सीधे-सीधे रियल एस्टेट सैक्टर पर भी हुआ। इस साल त्यौहारों के मौसम में भी अपेक्षा अनुरूप तेजी देखने को नहीं मिली।
सरकार द्वारा लागू किए जा रहे रियल एस्टेट रैगुलेशन बिल को लेकर भी इंडस्ट्री में नाखुशी का माहौल बना हुआ है। वैसे इस सबके बावजूद आवासीय सम्पत्ति के दामों में लगातार इजाफा होता रहा जबकि रुपए के मूल्य में अवमूल्यन इसकी विक्रय शक्ति को क्षीण करता रहा। अब नया साल अपने साथ नई अपेक्षाएं लेकर आ रहा है। आइए आपको बताएं कि विशेषज्ञों की राय में साल 2014 में कैसा रहेगा रियल एस्टेट का रुख?

रीडिवैल्पमैंट गतिविधियों में इजाफा होगा
शहरीकरण के कारण घट रही भूमि की वजह से रियल एस्टेट सैक्टर का काफी जोर रीडिवैल्पमैंट पर भी केंद्रित रहेगा। इसकी एक वजह यह भी है कि नए भूमि अधिग्रहण कानून के मद्देनजर अब डिवैल्पर्स के लिए भूमि अधिग्रहण पहले की तुलना में कहीं अधिक कठिन हो जाएगा। ऐसे में भारतीय शहरों में रिडिवैल्पमैंट की दिशा में डिवैल्पर्स के लिए सम्भावनाओं की कोई कमी नहीं है।

मांग तथा आपूर्ति में तालमेल बैठाने का समय
जहां भारत में हो रहा शहरीकरण दुनिया भर के निवेशकों को मुनाफा कमाने का सुनहरा अवसर प्रतीत हो रहा है वहीं इसकी वजह से बढ़ रही जरूरतों को पूरा करना भी एक बड़ी चुनौती साबित हो रही है।

वर्तमान में बाजार चौकस है और इसकी ऐसी भावनाएं 2014 की पहली छमाही तक जारी रहने की अपेक्षा है। हालांकि साल के दूसरे हिस्से में बिक्री में निरंतर इजाफा होगा तथा आवासीय रियल एस्टेट पूंजी में मूल्य वृद्धि साल भर 10 से 12 फीसदी की दर से हो सकती है।

किफायती आवास देंगे 2014 में विकास को गति
एक विकसित होती अर्थव्यवस्था में सम्भावनाओं की कोई कमी नहीं होती और समय आ चुका है कि भारतीय रियल एस्टेट इंडस्ट्री इंतजार में बैठे मौकों की पहचान कर सके।  अब तक भारत में करीब 2 करोड़ आवासों की कमी है और इसमें से 95 फीसदी कमी आर्थिक रूप से कमजोर तथा निम्न आय वर्ग के लिए आवासों की है। सरकारी जानकारी के अनुसार आर्थिक रूप से कमजोर वर्ग के आवास 4 से 10 लाख रुपए के होने चाहिएं।

इसका अर्थ है कि किफायती आवासीय परियोजनाओं को हमारे शहरों के ऐसे पनगरों का रुख करना होगा जहां इस मूल्य के आवास उपलब्ध करवाना सम्भव हो। ऐसी परियोजनाओं के लिए सरकार की ओर से शुल्क तथा करों में विभिन्न प्रकार की छूट हासिल करने की कोशिश भी की जानी चाहिए।

For more Information:-  Sanjay rastaugiSanjay Rastogi Builder,Real Estate IndiaReal Estate Company in India,  Affordable Houses in Noida , Residential flat in Ghazibad  Email Us Or SMS :SAVIOUR at 53030.

NRIs look to Gurgaon flats for bumper returns

If you get to choose between buying a beach house in Florida and an apartment in Gurgaon, what would you prefer? While the great American dream may seem like obvious choice to many, the dollar-rich expatriates think other way around.

The reasons are quite simple – higher rate of appreciation, better periodical returns on investment and a consistently-weak rupee. No wonder, the non-resident Indians (NRIs) are preferring to invest in Gurgaon over international destinations. On one hand, most international property markets are still struggling to recover from the impact of recession, on the other Gurgaon has managed to grow consistently over the last decade.

“We were lucky to have invested in a flat in Orchid Petals back in 2003. The property that we had brought for Rs 49 lakh is now worth Rs 1.8 crore. All the property we had brought in the USA has gone through devaluation. If we were to sell anything today, we will not even be able to our original investment back,” said Malay Mondal, an IT professional who works with Apple Inc in Chicago.

Property agents and consultants say calls from NRI clients have shot up again ever since the fall in the value of rupee. “We get three to four genuine calls from Indians living abroad who want to invest in Gurgaon’s upcoming projects every week. We also get calls from those who want to buy apartments to shift back home,” said Ajay Midha of Ray White, a global property management company which has recently set-up shop in Gurgaon.

The advantage of weak rupee, however, is not there for short-term investors. “Even if NRIs buy more property here now, they would have to wait to sell them till the recovery of rupee,” said, Avinash Piplani, a property agent.

The leading property dealers in the city have special teams dedicated to NRI investors.


“For us, it’s almost like managing an investor-portfolio. We provide our clients end-to-end services. It’s not just about selling a property, but also about maintenance, getting tenants and resale. Most of the NRIs showing interest in the Gurgaon properties are living in USA and Australia.

For more Information:-  Sanjay rastaugiSanjay Rastogi Builder,Real Estate IndiaReal Estate Company in India,  Affordable Houses in Noida  Email Us Or SMS :SAVIOUR at 53030

Building infrastructure at NH-24

With infrastructure upgrades such as widening of NH-24 and the upcoming metro, the linkages between Delhi, Ghaziabad and Noida are expected to improve leading to real estate growth in these areas.

Infrastructure is the basic physical and organisational formation that is essential to set up a developed and inhabitable society. It is the set of interconnected structures that provide a framework for urban civilisation that helps facilitate smooth functioning of the economy. It comprises of well crafted network of roads, bridges, flyovers and foot-over-bridges (FOB), water supply, sewer system, electrical grid and telecommunication, which has now become synonymous with NH-24.

Infrastructure development at NH-24 has emerged as a quintessential example of modern day, with smart connectivity, wide communication network and growing IT/ITeS for employment, that suits the needs of the urban society. With the advent of authorities such as Ghaziabad Development Authority (GDA), Nodia Authority, NHAI has possibly made connectivity, flyovers and FOB available to a substantial population that seeks homes around Ghaziabad, Noida and Greater Noida. One of the most positive developments along NH-24 has been the plan to widen the 21-km stretch from UP Gate to Dasna, into an eight lane corridor.

Proposed Metro connectivity is another major factor that has the potential of changing the face of infrastructure. It will not just help commuters to travel but also resolve the problem of congestion on roads because of traffic. Once the plan gets a green signal, the metro line will further be connected to the Indira Gandhi International Airport, which will furthermore appreciate the value of property in and around the area.

The proximity to the established residential and industrial corridors of Noida and Ghaziabad and accessibility to Delhi have been major factors that led to real estate developers showing interest here. Such advancement in infrastructure alone has led many developers to come up with a host of residential projects. Thus, there has been a surge in the project launches. From affordable to luxury, areas such as Ghaziabad, Noida, Greater Noida and Greater Noida West have projects to suit varied categories.

With improving connectivity and communication between Delhi, Ghaziabad and Noida, the real estate along the Highway and Expressway has become the latest fad across the region. Since the area has witnessed a number of budding IT, ITeS and other industries providing job opportunities for professionals, these areas have caught the attention of the young work force and entrepreneurs who have to travel far and wide for work. Thus, infrastructure and the improved links between diverse regions are of prime importance for any society to be a livable society.

For more Information:-  Sanjay rastaugiSanjay Rastogi Builder,Real Estate IndiaReal Estate Company in India,  Affordable Houses in Noida  Email Us Or SMS :SAVIOUR at 53030

NCR board upholds building curbs in Aravalis

The Haryana government’s proposal to do away with the restriction on property construction activities in ‘conservation zones’ across the National Capital Region was turned down by the planning committee of the NCR Planning Board on December 20.

Conservation zones cover forests such as Aravalis and water bodies, including the Yamuna bed and natural lakes like Damdama, Badkhal, etc.

Environment activists had opposed to Haryana’s move to delete the clause from regional plan which restricts construction activity to only 0.5% of owned land – that is, only 20 sq m in an acre. TOI has done a series of articles exposing the Haryana government’s move highlighting how this could give a body blow to the ecologically sensitive areas including Aravali and Yamuna riverbed.

Multiple sources confirmed TOI that Haryana’s proposal faced objection from people including officials who attended the planning committee meeting on December 20. It was attended by top officials from Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Union urban development ministry. “The deleted clause in the draft regional plan will be brought back since one of the main thrust of revising the plan is to make the region sustainable,” said an official who was present in the meeting.

The original plan 2021 says that recreational activities with no construction exceeding 0.5% of the area are allowed with the permission of the competent authority.

Though officials did not spell out what would be the relaxation for more construction since Haryana has planned a mega tourism complex on 500-acre in Mangar area, sources said that there could be a provision under which the state government has to take statutory forest and environmental clearances from the Central government. “These are tough conditions. The minutes of the meeting will bring more clarity on all these issues,” said an official.

However, those fighting for conservation of Aravali forests opposed any relaxation to allow construction in conservation zones. “Construction and conservation are either-or activities. Even a half acre farmhouse will lead to fragmentation – as construction will lead to roads, electricity and more construction. The revised regional plan 2021 should be unequivocal in zoning the natural conservation zones as no-construction zones, in which change of land use are not issued,” said SS Oberoi of Mission Gurgaon Development.

Earlier documents obtained by Oberoi under RTI had exposed Haryana’s move at the NCR Planning Board meeting on June 4, 2013. According to the minutes of the meeting, “Financial commissioner and principal secretary, town and country planning department, government of Haryana suggested that natural conservation zone [para 17.5.3 (iv)] relating to regional/ recreational activities, restricted constructions of 0.5% may be deleted.”


For more Information:-  Sanjay rastaugiSanjay Rastogi Builder,Real Estate IndiaReal Estate Company in India,  Affordable Houses in Noida  Email Us Or SMS :SAVIOUR at 53030

NCR market: Sluggish, but stable

Of the top eight cities, the National Capital Region (NCR) saw the least number of units being launced, which stood at 38,000 this calendar year. The decline, when compared on an all-India basis was 33 per cent year-on-year.

The mid-segment, in the NCR registered the highest number of units launched at approximately 26,000, followed by the affordable segment which saw launches of approximately 25,000 units. Viewed on a segment-wise basis, both categories saw substantially reduced numbers with the affordable segment slipping by 29 per cent and the mid-segment by 37 per cent over the previous year.

There were no launches in the luxury segment. Also all the launches were divided between Noida and Gurgaon with Delhi not witnessing any new housing unit launches this calendar year.

Following the trend in 2012, more than 90 per cent of the new launches in 2013 were in the affordable and mid segment. While the first half of calendar 2013 saw launches primarily in the affordable and mid segment with marginal (2 per cent) contribution from the high-end segment, the second half on the other hand witnessed 18 per cent of the total launches in high-end segment.

In the current economic scenario both buyers and developers are taking a cautious approach not only towards residential real estate but across all asset classes of real estate. However, given that most aspects of development such as construction cost, development cost, cost of land, time taken for approval and cost of debt all have been on an upward tangent developers have not been able to lower costs.

Capital Values

Over the past year Delhi locations have registered a decline in capital values while Gurgaon and Noida witnessed appreciation due to relatively lower ticket size and new project launches which offered construction linked plans as opposed to ready properties in Delhi locations. The high-end segment in NCR markets of south west, south east and luxury category in Gurgaon all saw a decline in capital values to the tune of 5 7 per cent over the last year mostly on account of achieving already high values which in the current market scenario looked unsustainable.

Due to pile of inventory and cautious buyer sentiments prevailing in the market amidst sluggish sales, the rental and capital values for high-end properties in Gurgaon saw a quarter-on-quarter decline by 3-12 per cent in calendar 2013 over the last quarter. The city saw reduction in investor activity with most enquiries generated by end users due to high gestation period of return and price points.

Demand & Supply

The total estimated demand for housing in top eight cities of India is pegged at 2.9 million square feet of which NCR is expected to generate the highest demand of 7,70,000 units mostly for mid-range and high-end segments in the period of 2013-2017. In the same time frame, the expected cumulative supply is expected to be around 6,00,000 — the demand- supply gap is expected to be approximately 22 per cent over the period. Some of this projected demand in the 2013-14 is expected to be met through the unsold inventory currently existing in the suburban and peripheral locations.

The gap between fresh demand and supply is expected to see an incremental expansion as supply will fall short on account of economic, regulatory and political scenario. However, some of the demand in the next couple of years can be met through the existing vacant stock.

In addition to the fresh supply, The New Delhi Master Plan 2020 is expected to unlock 66,000 hectares of land within New Delhi which is expected to largely cater to the residential sector. Thus new micro markets for residential development are expected to come up, it is yet to be seen in what proportion and configurations will these units will be created. While demand for housing units will grow proportionate to the rise in population, supply is expected to be less aggressive in the short to medium term. New regulations like the Land Acquisition Act and the real estate regulatory bill which are expected to come into force in the next few quarters will affect supply positively.

For more Information:-  Sanjay rastaugiSanjay Rastogi Builder,Real Estate IndiaReal Estate Company in India,  Affordable Houses in Noida  Email Us Or SMS :SAVIOUR at 53030

Realtors expect positive sentiment from RBI policy

Real estate developers and property consultants have hailed Reserve Bank of  India’s (RBI) decision to not raise the key policy rates, saying that the bold move by the apex bank would infuse positive sentiments in the property market.

RBI surprised the markets by leaving key policy rates unchanged, notwithstanding persistent high inflationary pressure. Developers hoped that RBI would soon be able to cut policy rates as inflation is expected to ease.

Commenting on the policy, DLF Group Executive Director Rajeev Talwar said: “It’s a welcome step. This is the first sign of recovery. If government can release food stocks to contain food-based inflation then possibly in coming time RBI may be able to take more steps for recovery of the economy.

“RBI governor has taken a bold step by keeping the rates flat,” he said.

Jones Lang LaSalle India Chairman and Country Head, Anuj Puri, termed RBI’s decision as good news for the realty sector at the end of the year.

“It is positive for the real estate sector as there was anticipation of increase in the interest rates, which would have been damaging for the sentiments of buyers,” Puri added.

Parsvnath Developers Chairman Pradeep Jain said the RBI has “acted wisely” by keeping the key rates unchanged.

“Though there was pressure to raise the rates due to the recent rise in WPI inflation , still the apex bank managed to handle it and held the rates at 7.75 per cent. This will give a positive signal in the market.”

Jain said he expected RBI to cut the key rates if inflation number comes down.

CREDAI-NCR President Anil Sharma said the RBI has “sweetly surprised” both the experts and industry players with its bold decision.

“We, at CREDAI-NCR, could not have asked for more given the high retail inflation of more than 11 per cent. The bold move by the RBI has infused positive sentiments in not only real estate sector but also other sectors of economy,” Sharma, who is CMD of Amrapali Group, said.

The consistent efforts of the RBI have already stabilised rupee against dollar, besides providing short term liquidity support to push growth simultaneously, he added.

“Experts are already expecting inflation to ease following arrival of winter crop in the wake of normal monsoon. Though the real estate developers’ community will have to wait little longer to see interest rates dipping, but given the right intentions of the RBI, we are confident of flawless run of growth thereafter,” Sharma said.

SARE Homes Executive Director David Walker welcomed the RBI’s step and hoped that the incoming data in the next months would support a moderation in the rate of inflation which could then lead to lower interest rates.

For more Information:-  Sanjay rastaugiSanjay Rastogi Builder,Real Estate IndiaReal Estate Company in India,  Affordable Houses in Noida  Email Us Or SMS :SAVIOUR at 53030

Office space leasing up marginally in NCR despite slowdown

NEW DELHI: Office space absorption in NCR, the largest office market in the country, is slightly higher at 4.9 million sq ft during January-September period of this year despite economic slowdown in India as well as globally, according to property consultant Knight Frank.

In the first nine months of 2012, office space absorption stood at 4.8 million sq ft.

The NCR (national capital region) office market has remained rock solid amidst economic woes. The fact that office space take-up during the first nine months of 2013 has marginally exceeded that of the same period in 2012 clearly indicates strong fundamentals in the NCR office market.”

Gurgaon remains at the forefront of both new office space and absorption in the market, the consultant noted.

“Considering the current run rate of transactions and the level of pre-commitments, total absorption for the current year is likely to be in the range of 6.3-6.8 million sq ft. This is commendable given the weak global and domestic economic scenario,” the report said.

The consultant projected that the total absorption for the current year would marginally exceed the 2012 level.

“NCR is the largest office market in the country with an operational stock of 118 million sq ft of wh ..

The consultant attributed the upward movement in vacancy due to an additional 20 million sq ft of office space in the year 2010 and 2011.

Knight Frank pointed out that even though there has been remarkable improvement in occupiers’ interest this year, absorption levels still fall short by 20 per cent compared to 2011 when nearly 5.8 million sq ft of space was taken up.

A total of 173 transactions were recorded during January- September 2013 as against 163 transactions during the same period in 2012. The weighted average rental value stood at Rs 53/sq ft compared to Rs 56 in the year-ago period.

Majority of these big transactions took place in Gurgaon, clearly showing a preference for the market. Simultaneously, there was a notable rise in the number of smaller transactions with an area less than 5,000 sq ft due to increasing non-IT transactions.

Nearly 30 per cent of the absorption was contributed by the IT/ITeS sector which accounted for 1.5 million sq ft of office space during the first nine months of 2013, which is a substantial dip of 51 per cent compared with the same per iod in 2011.

On future outlook, Knight Frank said that leasing activity is expected to witness moderate improvement as corporates align their real estate strategies towards consolidation and relocation for cost benefits.

“Rental values are expected to move in narrow ranges as demand remains buoyant and supply is constrained especially in select micro-markets of Gurgaon,” the consultant said.

For more Information:-  Sanjay rastaugiSanjay Rastogi Builder,Real Estate IndiaReal Estate Company in India,  Affordable Houses in Noida  Email Us Or SMS :SAVIOUR at 53030

Realty sector welcomes home loan rate cuts by SBI, HDFC.

MUMBAI: Welcoming the 0.25 per cent rate cut by two of the biggest home loan financiers SBIBSE 1.24 % and HDFC, realty sector participants today said the move will help revive interest in the gloomy market. 

 “This is a positive move to boost property sales and spur industry growth. Home buyers who were earlier waiting for rates to come down will now certainly look at buying their dream homes,” industry body Confederation of Real Estate Developers Association of India (Credai) Chairman  .. 

 The home loan rate cuts from certain banks have occurred after nearly a year, and will augur well for investment sentiments in the market,” property consultant CBRE South Asia’s Chairman and Managing Director Anshuman Magazine said. 

 It may be noted that the residential sector had suffered a major set back due to increasing home loan rates, which had forced buyers to postpone their home buying decision. 

 Magazine also welcomed Reserve Bank’s move to hold on to its key rates despite the high inflation, which resulted in the rate cut announcement by SBI and HDFCBSE 3.05 % last evening. He said the move is a positive signal for the investment climate. 

 SBI, the country’s largest lender, first announced a rate cut of 0.25 per cent in its home loan rates yesterday, forcing HDFC, the second biggest home loan financier, to respond. 

 The move came a day after the Reserve Bank of India kept its key policy rates unchanged. The short-term lending rate was kept unchanged at 7.75 per cent, while the cash reserve ratio ( CRR) remained at 4 per cent. 

 According to watchers, the lenders were also enjoying a reduction in provisioning for some time, which will now get passed on. 

 SBI home loans will now be available under two slabs — under Rs 75 lakh and above Rs 75 lakh. SBI loans of up to Rs 75 lakh would now be available to fresh borrowers at 10.15 percent as against HDFC’s 10.25 per cent. 

 SBI has also given an additional concession of 0.05 per cent to women borrowers, after which the borrowing rate will be 10.10 per cent for home loans of up to Rs 75 lakh.


For more Information:-  Sanjay rastaugiSanjay Rastogi Builder,Real Estate IndiaReal Estate Company in India,  Affordable Houses in Noida  Email Us Or SMS :SAVIOUR at 53030